Increasing literacy rates has decreased oral tradition and story telling as the primary means of communication available for the formation and maintenance of societal morals and values.
We at LadyBell Books believe that oral tradition must become written tradition before we lose our story tellers. Every person has a story to tell; stories about love, tragedy, happiness and success. Stories are meant to be shared; but preferably written.
It is our goal at LadyBell Books to ensure that we convert our current story tellers into writers. Stories, told well, shape entire cultures because they change people.
Everyone has a story to tell so everyone is a potential writer. But writing a book is a complex undertaking. LaydyBell Books is committed to take you from conception of your ideas, assisting you to write them down, etc., and eventually celebrating with you the birth of your dream book. A contribution from you to the next generation.
We hope that finally seeing the "fruits of your mind" in a book will turn the stories and complexities of your life into a meaningful and purposeful one.
We want to create a community of relevant resources and potential writers to ensure the realization of this important dream.